1961 - 1970

In 1961, the gymnasium was moved to Hing Ip Building on Castle Peak Road. In 1962, the eldest and second son of Grandmaster Ip Man, Ip Chun and Ip Ching, came to Hong Kong from Fat Shan. They studied together with Moy Yat and others.





Grandmaster Ip Man and his clansmen at his 62nd Birthday Party. (Ip Ching's private collection)




葉問宗師與前飯店工會書記李民合攝。詠春派能在香港發揚,端靠李民 (又名李天培) 穿針引線之功。(葉正珍藏)

Grandmaster Ip and Lee Man (also called Lee Tin Pui), former secretary of the Restaurant Workers' Union. Lee Man was instrumental in the development of Ving Tsun kungfu in Hong Kong.
(Ip Ching's private collection)



葉問宗師與兩名最早期之愛徒合攝於 宴會之中。由左至右 : 徐尚田、葉宗師、駱耀。此圖相信攝於一九六六至六七年間。(駱耀珍藏)

Grandmaster Ip Man and two of his earliest favorate students, Chu Song Tin (left) and Lok Yiu (right), believed to have been photographed between 1966-67. (Lok Yiu's private collection)

The Ving Tsun Kungfu clan was now at the peak of its progress. Many of Grandmaster Ip's students also started teaching and worked together to develop Ving Tsun Kungfu.

In 1964, satisfied with the development of Ving Tsun Kungfu and seeing there were people to succeed him, Grandmaster Ip Man decided not to overwork himself. He wound up the affairs of the gymnasium and switched to teaching by appointment.  At that time Grandmaster Ip rented an apartment in Yee Fai Building in Tung Choi Street as his permanent residence. He also instructed his students to organize a general association of the Ving Tsun Kungfu Clan.   After years of planning, the Hong Kong Ving Tsun Athletic Association was formally established. Cheung Ning Building, 3/F, 3 Nullah Road was purchased as the Gymnasium premises.

Grandmaster Ip started teaching in Hong Kong in 1950. He passed away in 1972. Twenty three years had flown by, but he had succeeded in popularizing Ving Tsun Kungfu throughout the world. He might well be proud of what he achieved. So might we, as his students and successors.



One of the very few everyday-life photographs taken around 1968-70. (Chu Shong Tin's private collection)


梁挺為第一位將中國拳術帶入香港高級學府的教頭。於一九六九年冬,梁假香港浸會學院舉辦第一屆詠春拳術大賽表演大會。葉問宗師、鄧生、布達華、古生、王桂、吳華森等同門及多名外派教頭俱為列席嘉賓之一。圖中梁挺正起腳將對手踢至離地數尺。其後坐者按次序為鄧生、葉宗師、李達邦、葉天德 (道派) 、布建華、古生。(梁挺珍藏)

Leung Ting was the first person to develop Chinese kungfu into post graduate colleges in Hong Kong. In the winter of 1969, Leung held the first V.T. Kungfu contest and Demonstration in Baptist College. Grandmaster Ip Man, Tang Sang, Po Kin Wah, Koo Sang, Wong Chu, Lee Tat Bong, Ng Wah Sum and some other V.T. kungfu clansmen became his guests. He also invited some instructors of the other kungfu styles. In this photo, Leung Ting is kicking his opponent into the air. In the background from left to right are Tang Sang, Grandmaster Ip Man, Lee Tat Bong, Yip Tin Tak (Tai Pai kungfu), Po Kin Wah and Koo Sang.
(Leung Ting's private collection)



In 1970, Leung Ting moved his school to the old VTAA address on Nathan Road. Here is Grandmaster Ip Man and Leung Ting, when Grandmaster went to congratulate him.
(Leung Ting's private collection)


詠春體育會向被目為葉問詠春派系統的總會。各地同門、不分中外,均以到港一訪本會為榮。圖為英國詠春教頭狄士默於一九八九年五月訪問本會時攝。由左至右 : 蕭煜民、梁挺、古生、徐尚田、狄士默、黃淳樑、葉正、葉賢、林文學、譚鴻勳。

The VTAA has always been regarded as the headquarters for the Ip Man's Ving Tsun system. Ving Tsun clansmen from all over the world take pride in visiting the VTAA in Hong Kong. This photo was taken during the visit of Nick Smart, headman of British Wing Tsun Organization, to the VTAA in May 1989. From Left to Right: Siu Yuk Men, Leung Ting, Koo Sang, Chu Shong Tin, Nick Smart, Wong Shun Leung, Ip Ching, Yip Yin, Lan Man Hog and Tam Hun Fan.

© 1990. Copyright by Ving Tsun Athletic Association Ltd.